Tiny OHM #1 was our first official gathering since the charity merger and served as an opportunity to test our new WISDOM review model. It was co-created on 25th June 2022 in Orleigh Park, Brisbane by over 40 of our finest cOHMunity members, and attended by well over 100 people throughout the day and night.

Crowdsourced offerings

Prior to the event 21 people applied to be ‘headliners’ for the gathering. Our cOHMunity publicly reviewed those offerings with our latest open review prototype, resulting in a ranked list of the offerings across multiple dimensions. We were happy to see that the crowd favoured diversity, with the top 5 offerings spanning our major categories of art, music, science and wellbeing. Those headliners were awarded priority timeslots, marketing support and a monetary bonus of $100/hour, made possible by a donation to our charity. Happily, we could also squeeze in all the non-headliner acts across our two stages, so no one needed to miss out!

Diverse offerings

In addition to the scheduled art, music, wellbeing & science offerings, we also received several spontaneous offerings on the day. We planned and served a delicious lunch, coming together in circle to connect and give thanks as a community. Chai tea was served throughout the afternoon and we collected $280 in donations on the day.

Recording contributions

We tracked as many goods and services as we could in our transparent workspace, so that they can be reviewed and recognized properly at a later date. The photos below capture just a sliver of the goodness we created (photo credit: Synaesthete Media). Thanks for all the magic, dear cOHMmunity!

Next steps

Stay tuned for our follow-up survey to review contributions to the event, so that we can recognize and reward contributors under the WISDOM system.